Monday, December 30, 2019
Marketing Research Assignment - 1542 Words
Question 1 For a successful firm, having a good research to realize the customers need is very important. Qualitative research and quantitative research are the main method to collect information and data from customers for making firm’s decision. However, there is a different between qualitative and quantitative which used in different part of projects. And they both have advantages and disadvantages in the process and the conclusion which may lead to incorrect decisions. Indeed, to distinguish two research methods and when to use or when not to use, it will increase the accurately of outcome for making decisions correctly. The meaning of research is a process to collect information, data and suggestion from interviewers. And†¦show more content†¦If a company using qualitative research for collecting information from outside, they can identify customer needs or obtain information to generate measures for improvement or create a new ideas (I). As usual in business, qualitative research can let them understand how their customer recognize a marketing message, and capture the culture and similarly customers using to relate and define a product, service of business. And the useful of getting qualitative research is, to provide enough information to design quantitative study and explain findings that form a quantitative study (J). But absolutely there is a time that qualitative research does not suitable to use. It does not expect qualitative research to measure, count or offer statistical justification which is all the range and wide question and information collected from the result with uncountable. It cannot be a final result from qualitative research such as determine the final idea, survey, establish the importance of specific people needs, thinking or satisfaction critical because it is only an opening research. If time and money budget is limited, qualitative research is not reasonable that will spend a big amount of money and consume a long period of time for processing this research (H). Qualitative research is very useful tools forShow MoreRelatedMarketing Research Assignment : The Apple Inc1714 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing Research Assignment Advancement in technology has been on the rise for the last couple of decades; in that aspect many companies have adopted the latest technological advancement in order to be able to remain relevant to customer demand. Some firms have ventured into the production of a device to enable people access to some of the technological advancement. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis of an Advertisement Essay - 728 Words
As I finished reading a rather intellectually stimulating article in a popular mens magazine, I flipped the page to reveal quite an interesting advertisement. My gaze fell upon the following print ad, which contained the photograph of a decrepit old man dressed in a black suit, wearing a diamond encrusted gold dollar sign ring, embraced by a wedding-gown clad, large breasted, peroxide bleached blond, young bimbo. Next to the shocking newly-weds was a new, cherry red Dodge Viper convertible, parked on a black patterned brick driveway, in front of a gorgeous mansion wall adorned with lavish vegetation and concrete Grecian pottery overflowing with ferns. The inept, liver spotted, incontinent, prune-like old geezer stood in vulgar†¦show more content†¦It appeared that the reader was being subjected to an advertisement for divorce or for potential infidelity rather than that for a sports car. It is completely absurd to suppose for one second that these people devoted themselv es to each other out of love. From the old mans point of view, this woman had become nothing more than another one of his exquisite possessions, hardly more important or significant than his precious Dodge Viper. The woman has become an object and the manufacturer would like for you to feel that ownership of this car will make anything you desire more attainable. By depicting their automobile in such a situation, the Dodge Company has made it seem as though owning their sports car is like diving into a fountain of youth. How else could this white haired, balding, old man have scored such a ripe attractive young woman? Aside from his apparent wealth, she must want him for his car. Aging has a direct correlation with decrease in both sexual attractiveness and libido. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Computer Engineering Pdf Free Essays
Study Plan Masters of Science in Computer Engineering and Networks (Thesis Track) I. General Rules and Conditions 1. This plan conforms to the regulations of the general frame of programs of graduate studies at the University of Jordan. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Engineering Pdf or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. Candidates for admission in this program are holders of the Bachelor’s degree in the following specialties: a) Computer Engineering b) Electrical Engineering c) Networks Engineering d) Communications Engineering e) Electronics Engineering f) Bachelor of Mechatronics II. Special Conditions: None. III. The Study Plan: Studying (33) credit hours as follows: 1. Obligatory courses listed in Table 1; (15) Credit Hours. Course No. 0903720 0903723 0907721 0907731 0907741 Course Title Random Processes Variables and Stochastic Credit hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisite 0903720 0907721 Analysis of Communications Networks Network Systems Design Advanced Computer Architecture Distributed Systems 2. Elective courses selected from the list shown in Table 2; (9) Credit Hours. Credit Course No. Course Title Pre-requisite hrs. 903721 0903725 0903728 0903730 0907702 0907722 0907723 0907732 0907733 0907779 Digital Communications I Wireless Communication Systems Data Communication Systems Multimedia Streaming Computer Performance Evaluation Networks and Systems Security Wireless Networks Advanced Embedded Systems Parallel Processors 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0903720 0907721 – Special Topics in Computer Engineering and 3 Networks 3. Masters Thesis, 0907799; (9) Credit Hours. 1 Study Plan Masters of Scienc e in Computer Engineering and Networks (Non-Thesis Track) I. General Rules and Conditions 1. This plan conforms to the regulations of the general frame of programs of graduate studies at the University of Jordan. 2. Candidates for admission in this program are holders of the Bachelor’s degree in the following specialties: a) Computer Engineering b) Electrical Engineering c) Networks Engineering d) Communications Engineering e) Electronics Engineering f) Bachelor of Mechatronics II. Special Conditions: None. III. The Study Plan: Studying (33) credit hours as follows: 1. Obligatory courses listed in Table 3; (24) Credit Hours. Course No. 0903720 0903723 0903725 0907721 0907722 0907723 0907731 0907741 Course Title Random Processes Variables and Stochastic Credit hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisite 0903720 0903720 0907721 0907721 Analysis of Communications Networks Wireless Communication Systems Network Systems Design Networks and Systems Security Wireless Networks Advanced Computer Architecture Distributed Systems 2. Elective courses selected from the list shown in Table 4; (9) Credit Hours. Credit Course No. Course Title Pre-requisite hrs. 903721 0903728 0903730 0907702 0907732 0907733 Digital Communications I Data Communication Systems Multimedia Streaming Computer Performance Evaluation Advanced Embedded Systems Parallel Processors 3 3 3 3 3 3 – 2 0907779 Special Topics in Computer Engineering and 3 Networks 3. The Comprehensive Exam (0907798). – 3 Masters of Science in Computer Engineering and Networks Course Descriptions 0903720 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes (3 Credit Hours) Pro bability and random variables. Distribution and density functions. Functions of random variables. Two random variables and sequences of random variables. Multidimensional random variables. Stochastic Processes. Markov chains. Spectral representation of stochastic processes. Spectral estimation. Project. Digital Communications I (3 Credit Hours) Introduction to Communication Systems. Baseband and Bandpass digital modulation techniques: Line Codes, ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QAM. Performance measures: power, bandwidth, bit error rate. Carrier and symbol synchronization. Signal design for band-limited channels. Signal design for fading channels. Project. Analysis of communication Networks (3 Credit Hours) Pre-requisite: 0903720 Introduction to queuing theory and traffic engineering. Markov chains, steady-state and balance equations. Continuous and discrete arrival models. Basic queuing systems. Erlang formulas. Applications to telephony systems and aata networks, performance parameters (blocking probability, delay, throughput and reliability). Systems with vacations, priority systems, polling and reservation systems. Network simulation. Project. Wireless Communication Systems (3 Credit Hours) Review of Multiple Access Techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, OFDMA. Design of wireless communication systems: modulation, propagation, channel estimation, equalization and coding. Cellular systems (GSM/3G/4G), Synchronous and Asynchronous CDMA and code synchronization. CDMA performance and multi-user interference cancellation. Satellite communication systems. Indoor communication systems, wireless LANs and wireless protocols. Data Communication Systems (3 Credit Hours) Introduction to communication and switching networks. Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, SDH/SONET. Design and planning of telephony systems. Broadband access technologies. Internetworking and the Internet Protocol (IP), routing in IP. Quality of Service (QOS). Voice over IP (VoIP). Audio and video streaming. IP network planning. Integration of data and cellular/wireless networks. Security issues. Project. (3 Credit Hours) Information Measures. Audio Video Data Compression. Performance of Compression Techniques and Rate Distortion Function. Mathematical Introduction to Number Theory. Cyclic, BCH and CRC Codes. Convolutional and Turbo Codes. LDBC Codes. Performance of Error Correcting Codes. Packet Data Transmission and Formatting for Audio and Video Data. Multimedia Streaming 0903721 0903723 0903725 0903728 0903730 4 0907702 Computer Performance Evaluation (3 Credit Hours) Issues in Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking. Measurement Tools and techniques, Trace Driven and Execution Driven Simulation. Choice of metrics. Benchmarks. Statistical techniques for Performance Evaluation. Trace Generation and Validation, Synthetic Traces, Verification of Simulators. Design of Experiments. Analytical Modeling of Processors, Statistical modeling, Hybrid Techniques. Application of queuing theory, Markov models and probabilistic models for computer system evaluation. Workload Characterization. Network Systems Design (3 Credit Hours) This course gives a broad view of the current state of computer networking research. Topics include: Internet architecture; Internet routing: the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), routing characterization, routing security, Internet AS relationships, traffic engineering, end host congestion control; quality-of-service, network security: intrusion detection systems, worms, and honeypots; mobile and wireless networking; peer to peer and overlay networking; content distribution networks; sensor networks; critical network infrastructure services: Domain Name Server (DNS), mail servers, etc. network measurement: distance estimation, bandwidth measurement, trouble shooting tools; network management. Networks and Systems Security (3 Credit Hours) Pre-requisite: 0903720 Review of Computer Networks. Number Theory and Field Arithmetic. Sources of Network Threats. Data Encryption: Cryptography and Ciphering. Risk Management. Key Management. Protocols and Alg orithms of Security Systems. Email and Web Security and Firewalls. Performance Evaluation of Security Systems. Wireless Networks (3 Credit Hours) Pre-requisite: 0907721 Introduction to wireless networks: physical layer, MAC and IEEE 802. 11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, channel assignment and channel hopping, power control and rate control, multi-radio, network layer, mobile IP, and naming, routing in mobile networks, transport protocol in wireless networks; types of wireless networks: wireless mesh networks, sensor networks, cellular networks, delay tolerant networks, RFID and WiMax; wireless network management and security: localization, network usage studies, network diagnosis, network security. Advanced Computer Architecture (3 Credit Hours) Subjects in scientific methodologies, review of computer design principles, processor design, RISC processors, pipelining, and memory hierarchy. Instruction level parallelism (ILP), dynamic scheduling, multiple issue, speculative execution, and branch prediction. Limits on ILP and software approaches to exploit more ILP. VLIW and EPIC approaches. Thread-level parallelism, multiprocessors, chip multiprocessors, and multi-threading. Cache coherence and memory consistency. Advanced memory hierarchy design, cache and memory optimizations, and memory technologies. Advanced topics in storage systems. Designing and 5 0907721 0907722 0907723 0907731 evaluating I/O systems. 0907732 Advanced Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours) System specifications. Requirements and models of computation including State Charts, SDL, Petri nets, Message Sequence Charts, UML. Process networks, Java, VHDL. SystemC, Verilog and System Verilog, and SpecC. Embedded system hardware, I/O, communications, processing units, memories. Embedded operating systems, middleware, and scheduling. Prediction of execution times. Scheduling in real-time systems. Embedded operating systems. Implementing embedded systems: hardware/software codesign. Task-level concurrency management. High-level optimizations. Hardware/software partitioning. Compilers for embedded systems. Voltage scaling and power management. Actual design flows and tools. Validation. Simulation. Rapid prototyping and emulation. Test. Fault simulation. Fault injection. Risk and dependability analysis. Formal verification. Parallel Processors (3 Credit Hours) In-depth study of the design, engineering, and evaluation of modern parallel computers. Fundamental design: naming, synchronization, latency, and bandwidth. Architectural evolution and technological driving forces. Parallel programming models, communication primitives, programming and compilation techniques, multiprogramming workloads and methodology for quantitative evaluation. Latency avoidance through replication in small-scale and large-scale shared memory designs; cache-coherency, protocols, directories, and memory consistency models. Message passing: protocols, storage management, and deadlock. Efficient network interface, protection, events, active messages, and coprocessors in largescale designs. Latency tolerance through prefetching, multithreading, dynamic instruction scheduling, and software techniques. Network design: topology, packaging, k-ary n-cubes, performance under contention. Synchronization: global operations, mutual exclusion, and events. Alternative architectures: dataflow, SIMD, systolic arrays. Distributed Systems (3 Credit Hours) Pre-requisite: 0907721 Introduction to Distributed Systems. Distributed Operating Systems. Processes and Inter-process Communication (IPC). Distributed File Systems. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Security Models. Distributed Architectures and Technologies. Middleware. Object Based Distributed Systems. Messaging and Message Oriented Systems. Agent-Based Systems. Distributed Application Project. Special Topics in Computer Eng. and Networks (3 Credit Hours) 0907733 0907741 0907779 Topics of special interest in current computer engineering and networks issues. The course description is specified by the department at every course offering. 6 How to cite Computer Engineering Pdf, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
JP Morgan Chase Financial Analysis Report - Click to Get Solution
Question: Discuss aboutt he Financial Analysis of JP Morgan Chase and Co. Answer: Introduction: JP Morgan Chase Company is the holding company and it operates under the Chase and Morgan brands and is one of the leading financial institution institutions in the world. It is one of the oldest institutions, which dates back to 1799. It is the largest bank in the United States, is worlds sixth bank in terms of value of net assets, and has net assets of worth $ 2.4 trillion The Company made a record in terms of net income of $ 24.4 million on revenue of $ 96.9 million (JPMorgan Chase Co 2016). The company has employees of over 235000 and has millions of customers ranging from small businesses to the leading corporate clients and to the government. The company has been capable of building the irreplaceable client franchise over the long term. The satisfaction of the customer and their loyalty toward this investment banking company is highest in the industry. There was a steep rise in the customer satisfaction since 2010. The company has made a remarkable amount of investment in sys tem of Anti money laundering. The company has delivered a record result for the last few years. The strengthened leadership position and the maintained franchise helped in gaining the market share. The company continued to deliver the value to the shareholder and the book value of the share is on the ever rise since 2004, though some uncertainty and regulatory and legal cost has led to lower price earning lower than that of competitors. The company is continuing to build the business by investing in technology, product and infrastructure and by increasing the branches all over the world. The company is capable of managing the risks so that it is able to survive in any scenario through management of the risks and techniques of testing the stress. The company intends to become a long-term investor (Burnell 2013). Discussion: Impact of strategic decisions made by the senior management on the financial health of the company The senior management of the JP Morgan Chase Co has been optimistic about the growth of the company and the strategic decisions made by them have a potential for growth. When the competitors are cutting down the investment in sales, investment banks and trading, but the JP Morgan is investing in the same and this is because as on the global level the need for trading is increasing. Despite the higher cost, the company is making fair profits. As the clients now a days needs the services in a broader way in all the class of assets and it has the scale of the profits. The company is making investment in sales, trading is in technology, this would help in accessing the trade in a safer, faster and cheaper way, and it is able to adjust to the updated regulations. Also investing in such thing would help to educate the people about the economy, company, securities, this would in turn make it easier for the corporate to sell off their securities, and this would make them explore, invest and grow (Cheng et al. 2013). The decision of making continuous investment in E trading has made the company to be the first one in delivering the FX trading Investment in FX business has enable them to process the trade of an average of nearly 500000 each day and this has propelled them to emerge as the leader in the market. The market share of the cash equity has gone straight up from 70% to 97% in the span of two years. The senior management also introduced a strategic over the counter derivatives. Processing the trade through this particular platform has led to the 50% reduction in the cost per trade in the time span of four years and the volume of the portfolio has increased by 30%. Derivate notional worth $ 2.2 trillion is settled on a daily basis through this platform. This has led to a greater efficiency in operations, which act as a driver to lower the costs and ultimately the cash outflow, and this creates happy customers. JP Morgan Chase Co is continuing its business of mortgage and it is because of the brand, which thinks that it is capable of building the quality and mortgage business that are not volatile and it helps in building the long-term relationship with the customers seeking mortgage. The strategizing the product set to 13 from 37 and dramatic reductions of originations of federal housing administration and this particular strategy has helped to foreclosure inventory by more than 80% (Lee et al. 2015). The exclusion of the company form the business of foreclosure has reduced the cost and difficulties. The scenario of stronger local currencies and weak demand from external would create a drag on the growth rate and so in the major markets, the company remained relatively less overweight and this was for Japan. On the other hand, the company underweight to UK equities tends to have unusual foreign exposure. Though it cannot be completely said that the US economy would be credible and would prosper and it is not affected by the world but the growth would stay strong. This strategy of management has been able to make the financial statements favorable as most of the strategies have led to cost reduction and increased investment and growth. Also the strategy of the company in lending against the good form of collateral and they did 10 billion type of this lending and they could easily manage the risks (Tien et al. 2013). Evaluating the financial performance of the company using different techniques The financial performance of the company is evaluated with various tools and application of technique. Here, the analyzing of the data is to be done using the ratio analysis and vertical analysis. Various ratios provide a deep insight to the outsiders regarding the financial performance. The comparison is made to one of the competitors and here the company to be compared is Wells Fargo Co and it is one of the competitors of JP Morgan. Various ratios are used in analyzing the financial performance: Return on assets is obtained by dividing the net income of the company by the value of assets. The return on asset ratio for JP Morgan for the three consecutive years continues to rise and it was 1.039 in the year 2015 as compared to .845 and .74 in the year 2014 and 2013. The ratio increased and this shows that the company has been efficient in utilizing its asset to generate earning. The ratios for Wells are quite high when compared to JP Morgan, though the ratio has decreased over the years from 1.43 in the year 2013 to 1.28 in the year 2015 (JP Morgan Chase Co, 2015). It is not good signal, as the company is not efficiently utilizing its current assets. However, the ratio is high in comparison to JP Morgan (JPMorgan Chase Co 2016). Graph 1:Return on assets ratio (Source: Created by Author) The ratio is increasing for both the companies but the ratio for JP Morgan is quite less than Wells and Fargo for the consecutive three years. Return on equity shows to the investors of the company that whether their investment is managed efficiently managed by the company and how their funds is utilized and how much return it has been able to generate for the shareholders. This ratio is calculated by using the following formula: ROE= Net income/ Shareholders equity The return on equity for JP Morgan is increasing over the years and it has increased to .094 in the year 2015 from .0846 in the year 2013. The ratio for Wells has decreased in the year 2015 but was more or less stable in the previous years. It is .118 in the year 2015 compared to.125 in the year 2014 and .128 in the year 2013 (JPMorgan Chase Co 2016). Graph 2: return on equity ratio Source :( created by author) But when the return is compared between the companies, Wels is able to provide higher return to their investors than JP Morgan. Current ratio helps in measuring whether the company is able to meet the short term or long-term obligations with the help of using its current assets. Current ratio is obtained using the formula: CR= current assets/ current liabilities The current ratio of JP Morgan for the year 2015 and 2014 is 2.029 and 2.475 respectively and it is 1.829 in the year 2013. However, the ratio has decreased in the current year but still it is more than 1, so it is regarded as appropriate and the business does not have any long standing dues. On the other hand for the Wells , the ratio for the year 2015 stands at 1.69 and it is 1.85 for the year 2014 and 1.9424 for the year 2013. The current ratio is falling over the years and it is desirable and is in the range. It indicates that the company is efficient in using the current assets. Graph 3: current ratio Source: created by author When it is compared to JP Morgan, the ratio is at better position for Wells and JP Morgan has higher ratio, which indicates that the company liquidity is safe, but it might have problem of long-term inventory. Efficiency ratios show how much the bank is paying on the operating expenses and shows how efficient bank is turning its resources into revenue. The lower the ratio the better it is for bank. If the ratio is high it would indicate that the revenue is decreasing or cost is increasing. It is obtained by using the following formula: Efficiency ratio = Expenses/ revenue The efficiency ratio of JP Morgan for the year 2015 is .6308 as compared to .6422 in the year 2014 and it is .729 in the year 2013. It can be seen that the efficiency ratio has gone down for JP Morgan. The ratio has decreased over the year and it is a good sign. The same ratios for Wells Fargo Co for the year 2015 and 2014 is .580 and .5813 respectively and it is .5829 for the year 2013, so it can be seen that the ratio for Wells is stable for the three consecutive year. However, when the ratios are compared with the JP Morgan, the ratio is quite low. So it is said that the efficiency of the Wells and Fargo Co is better than that of JP Morgan (DeAngelo and Stulz 2015). Efficiency ratio has been falling for JP Morgan but it is stable for Wells and Cargo, however the ratio is lower than JP Morgan. Graph 4: efficiency ratio Source: (created by author) The financial health of a bank is measured by using the capital ratio. It shows the riskiness of a bank and depicts the vulnerability of the bank balance sheet when it is exposed to unexpected bad loans. Here we need to calculate the tier 1 capital ratio. The component of capital ratio includes equity capital and disclosed reserves (Tran 2013). In addition, risk weighted asset is also needs to be calculated. The formula for calculating capital ratio is given by Capital ratio= tier 1 capital/ Total risk weighted assets The capital ratio has increased from the year 2013. The ratio stands at .000171 in the year 2015 as compared to .00015 in the year 2013 and .00014 in the year 2014. The companies, which does not have adequate capital ratio, are exempted from paying dividends and any management fees. The capital ratio for Wells has increased in the year 2015 as compared to 2013. The ratio stands at 7.27 in year 2013 and it again fell to 5.87 in the year 2014 and then has risen to 8.5 in the year 2015. So it can be said that both the companies are well capitalized and if there is any insolvent, then it shows how well the company can stand financial distress (Olalekan and Adeyinka 2013). Other technique used is the vertical analysis of both the companies and then comparing it with each other. The total revenue for JP Morgan was $93543 million in the year 2015 and it was $95112 million in the year 2014. The revenue was $97637 million in the year 2013. Total revenue has decreased over the year for this company. The total revenue for Wels and Fargo was $ 86057 million in the year 2015 as compared to $ 84347 million in the year 2014. Here, it can be seen that though the revenue for Wells and Fargo has increased over the years but the revenue for JP Morgan is quite higher than that of Wells and Fargo. The total annualized return for the shareholder for Wells and Fargo is higher than that of JP Morgan. The 5 year annualized return for JP Morgan is 12.1% and it 14.7% for Wells and Fargo. The 10 year annualized, return stands at 8.5% for Wells and Fargo as compared to 7.9% for JP Morgan ( 2016). The Wells and Fargo has been ranked number one in when it comes to giving return to the shareholders and JP Morgan has been ranked at number 2 ( Wells and Fargo Co 2015). Wells and Fargo has generated $ 22.9 billion of net income in the year and the earning per share stands at $ 4.12. The net income for JP is $ 24442 million in the year. Therefore, the net income generation for the JP Morgan is higher than Wells and Fargo. The equity capital for Wells and Fargo has increased up to $ 193.9 million in the year 2015 as compared to the previous year when the equity capital is $ 8.6 billion and the pre provision profit of $ 36.1 billion in the year 2015 and it is $ 34529 million in the same year for JP Morgan. JP Morgan has an equity capital of $247.6 billion in the year 2015. The tier 1 equity ratio was 10.44$ for Wells Fargo as compared to JP Morgan where the ratio stands at 10.1%. Cash Flow analysis comparison Cash flows from the operating activities The operating cash flow activities of JP Morgan chase co. in the year 2015 was seen as a result of the decrease in the trading assets mainly due to the client driven market-making activities. This resulted in lower levels of debt and equity securities. More amount of cash flow activity was recorded due to decreased amount of client receivables and increased amount net proceeds due to loan sales activities. The polynomial trend line shows the decreasing trend of the cash flows from the operating activities. Although the cash flows went up from $ 36,593 to $ 73466, this shows the possibility of increasing cash flow in future ( 2016). The a major part of the cash flows from the operating activities of Wells and Fargo resulted due to sale proceeds on mortgages originated as a result of sale. Wells and Fargo also reported net income before non-controlling interest of $ 23276. The net change in the trading assets also contributes to the cash flows from the operating activities. The polynomial trend line shows the decreasing trend of the cash flows from the operating activities, the clear difference is seen in a linear decreasing trend over the years. This shows that the company needs to significantly its cash flow from the operating activities (Wells and Fargo Co 2015). Cash flows from the operating activities 2013 2014 2015 JP Morgan chase co. $ 107,953 $ 36,593 $ 73,466 Wells and Fargo $ 57,641 $ 17,529 $ 14,772 Cash flows from the investing activities The cash flows from the investing activities for JP Morgan chase co. is seen to be highest in the financial year of 2015. This was a net result due to the lower deposits with the bank for reducing the wholesale non-operating deposits. This positive increase was also due to the net proceeds from the pay downs, sale and purchase of the investment securities and maturities. The partial offsetting of the net inflows was shifted from the investment securities to amounts incurred due to the consumers wholesale loans. The polynomial trend line shows rrhe increasing pattern of the cash flows from the investing activities over the years ( 2016). The significant amount of the cash flows from the investing activities in case of Wells and Fargo is seen due to the purchases and the credit from the banking subsidiaries and the net principle collected from it. The polynomial trend line clearly suggests the degrading investing decisions made by the company from the year 2013 to 2015 (Wells and Fargo Co 2015). Cash flows from the investing activities 2013 2014 2015 JP Morgan chase co. $ (150,501) $ (165,636) $ 106,980 Wells and Fargo $ (153,492) $ (128,380) $ (107,235) Cash flows from the financing activities The decrease in the cash flows from the financing activities for JP Morgan chase co. in the year 2015 was a result of the deposits of the customers, long-term borrowings, preferred and the common stocks of the company. The cash outflows were also a result of the decreasing level of the commercial paper for the purpose of the discontinuation of the cash management. The cash provided by the several types of the financing activities in the year 2013 and 2014 was a result of the higher consumer deposits and wholesale deposits. The polynomial trend line shows the fluctuating cash flows of JP Morgan chase co. over the years ( 2016).. The cash flows from the financing activities was seen as a result of Wells and Fargo from the deposits. The deposits were further observed to decrease from $ 89133 in the year 2014 to $ 54867 in the year 2015. The increase in the short-term borrowings contributes to the growth of the cash flows from the financing activities. This was particularly observed to be highn in the year 2015. The polynomial trend line shows the constant net cash flows of Wells and Fargo over the years .(Wells and Fargo Co 2015). Cash flows from the financing activities 2013 2014 2015 JP Morgan chase co. $ 28,324 $ 118,228 $ (187,511) Wells and Fargo $ 93,910 $ 110,503 $ 92,003 Recommendation: From the above analysis conducted, it can be shown that the JP Morgan does not stand at a better position when compared to its competitors in terms of all the parameters considered here though the net income generated by JP Morgan is higher than that of Wells and Fargo. It can be seen that the capital ratio for both the companies is well above the requirement of Basel III but the point is not regarding the meeting of higher capital ratio. The return on equity for JP Morgan is lower than its competitor. The high requirement of the capital is creating a down pressure on the equity and this would limit the ability of the company in generating adequate to the shareholders. Therefore, the company needs to boost the rerun on equity by lowering down its requirement of capital. JP Morgan needs to implement some shareholder friendly tools into their business. The company needs to keep an eye on emerging competitors. The company has the opportunities to deliver good value to the shareholders a nd generate a growth rate, which would be long-term say if the five-year term is considered. The company also needs to efficiently utilize its assets so that the return is higher in the coming years. In order to improve the financial performance, the company should also be able to manage the receivables, which would help in improving the working capital and enhancing the productivity with the limited resources. Therefore, the company has concern of capital and the return, which it is offering to the shareholders. This would be possible if the company would lower down the requirement of the capital. The company needs to make optimum use of capital and other resources available. In addition, it needs to implement some of the methods of cost efficiencies so that the control costs are reduced. The equity securities should be invested for the capital appreciation to provide the long-term investment growth for the investors. The plan of asset allocation also needs to be reviewed. The comp any can effectively use the option of giving the dividend in equal parts and buyback of shares for the capital, which have been returned to the shareholders in the coming years. Conclusion: After conducting the analysis of the financial performance of both the companies, it can be concluded that when it comes to providing a good return to the shareholders, JP Morgan stands far behind the Wells and Fargo. The reason behind this was higher requirement of capital, lower interest rates and increasing cost of control. JP Morgan is still able to generate profits in the event of worse scenario and its profits are higher than its mentioned competitors are. The payout ratio is lower for JP Morgan. This leads to the anticipation that the future earnings per share growth would be least in line with the growth of dividend. The adoption of share repurchase program by the company would be apt as the valuation of the company is comparatively lower. The share repurchase program would fuel some growth in the per share if it is used in larger amounts and at lower price. Using this overall business would grow in the range of 4%-5% and would be able to generate earnings per share growth ra te of 6% annually. The company can use its additional profits for creating growth. The financial strength of the company would increase if it makes use of leftover funds. By going through the recommendation, it is concluded that the company has ample of opportunities to improve its financial performance when compared to its competitors. The return offered to the shareholders would also increase if the company properly or say efficiently utilizes the available resources. The company has outperformed its competitors in several other parameters such as profits, which can be used for enhancing its performance. The company does not have any retained earnings and one of the reasons behind the lower capital ratio as compared to its competitor is retained earnings. The company needs to retain the earning. Therefore, JP Morgan may outperform its competitor if the capital lower its requirement of capital and makes an optimum utilization of the available resources. In addition, the other thing s to be consider for growth is the advancement in the system of Information technology, which would be able to enhance the development opportunities of the company. Reference: Burnell, S.H., 2013. in good company.Agenda. Cheng, I.H., Raina, S. and Xiong, W., 2013.Wall Street and the housing bubble(No. w18904). 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Friday, November 29, 2019
The Intellectual Views on the Concepts of Global Politics
Introduction Global politics have impacts on almost everyone in various significant ways. In order to understand the concepts of global politics, different intellectual views have been brought to light. Most of these theories are based on traditional and cultural concepts all of which represent issues such as social justice, level of security and freedom among others.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Intellectual Views on the Concepts of Global Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Approaches to international politics also entail concerns about fundamental reasoning. A lot of concern has been on the intellectual approaches to global politics which are likely to grow outside the traditional and cultural context of political views. The focus on international relations theories has been driven by the many questions having been raised on how the behavior of a state can be examined as well as the role of t he state. This is the reason behind policymakers’ and other practitioners’ concern on international relations studies. This is because there is a close link between abstract theories and real world policy (Walt 1). Since there is no single theory on international relations that can fully explain the complex content of world politics, this paper will examine the competing arrays of theories in order to draw a close understanding of international affairs. Realism maintains that states are the key players of international relations. The realism theory defines a state as that which is free from external control and thus the state has a significant role of driving power and security and most importantly, pursuing the entire interests of the nation. As far as realism theory is concerned, states should perform in a self involved approach rather than focusing on external concerns. The main theme in realism is the significant characteristic of the state which is a defined terri tory and a government which has sovereign authority over its people. Domestic liberalism, on the other hand, denotes the behavior of states rather than the positive behavior. In this case domestic liberalism is characterized by state’s behavior rather than the expected behavior. Unlike realism where states operate as single actors, domestic liberalism denotes individual and group operations from both domestic and transnational perspective. The decision making theory of international relations falls largely on foreign policy part of international relations. The main focus of the decision making theory is on the foreign policy makers themselves rather than the structural process itself. This is because the decision making process itself is determined by other variables and theories such as use of power and internalization of state interests (Walt 1).Advertising Looking for term paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More Domestic-interest group theory challenge on realism Realism has been the dominant epitome in the study of international relations and political science over the years. For instance, there has been growing conflict between the theories of deterrence and that of state-centric realism. Despite the fact that the two theories attempt to analyze the circumstances under which international war and crises are likely to occur, they both differ in the way each one of them views as most important in determining the role of state as well as state behavior. The domestic-interest group presented by Snyder has raised much concern which challenges the realism theory of international relation (Mercer 1). To begin with, the realism theory lacks adequate explanatory as far as conflicts within some of the great powers are concerned. On the other hand, deterrence theory which is a prominent competitor of the realism theory, gives a greater insight on the same. According to the theo ry of realism, wars and conflicts are caused by state leaders as they are the prime decision makers. As a result, the structure system provides the leaders with information which gives them an insight of possible conflicts. This may often lead to over confidence in some leaders while others may be less confident about conflict outcomes. This is likely to result to uncertainties resulting from the link between the decision makers and the structure of the system. On the other hand, state leaders may be willing to engage in a conflict behaviors since they are the decision makers. The domestic-interest group as presented by Snyder assumes that there are no leaders that can give a concrete explanation of conflicts amongst other states. This therefore means that decisions by state leaders made in regard to escalation of conflicts in other states are made on mere assumptions and uncertainties and may therefore be ineffective or cause more conflicts in such states. In this case, when the le aders do make such decisions, their tendency to take or not take risks is actually what determines their behavior which may not have the interests of the citizens at hand. This therefore means that any impacts of the system structure will be dealt with in accordance with the decision makers’ who are, in this case, the state leaders’ ability to take risks (Mercer 1). Since the realism theory presents a system structure which may have a great number of actors, it gets more difficult to make predictions on conflicts because the leaders and decision makers have to identify individual behaviors of the many actors and in a correct manner.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Intellectual Views on the Concepts of Global Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the incentives presented may be opposing and cause complication of the decision making process as the leaders cannot determine w hich actors will support them on their incentives. This also leads to reduced confidence by leaders in making decision on international conflicts. Similarly, the system structure presented in realism theory focuses on distribution of capabilities amongst great powers. For instance, as the distribution of military gets more and more even, the predictions of armed conflicts by decision makers become more difficult as sensitivity to outcome errors increase due to the number of actors involved. The other conception of system structure presented in realism theory is the extension of allies across boundaries. This is challenged by the domestic-interest group in that the increased alliance coalitions of any state, reduces support reliability from members of the coalition as security interests are diverse within the coalition members (Mercer 1). Cognitive psychology theory challenge on realism Cognitive psychology theories as presented by Jervis and McDermott have as well challenged the rea lists’ state centric theory of international relations. This theory has only been influential amongst theorists of international relations especially those studying international security. Little attention has been given to this theory in American politics. Even political economists have paid little attention to the realism theory. According to McDermott, the cause for little attention on the realism theory has been its focus on security at the expense of other aspects of political science and this is where the cognitive psychology theories come in (Mercer 1). In order to describe the little interest on realism theory among political scientists, McDermott presented the most problematic aspects of the theory in a generalized perspective. The first problem with the realism theory is that there is no distinct perception of a state’s actors’ field of function in case of losses or gains. Instead, it is the actor’s field of function that determines the rest of the theories aspects. The second problem as presented by McDermott is that of risk assessment where it may be easy to assess risks acceptance or distaste but working on the risks at the field gets much harder. Since the strongest aspect of realism theory is the determination of people not to lose rather than to win, the problem of assessing risks causes a bias to the people’s attitude towards such political risks.Advertising Looking for term paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Psychologists use variables that enable them to measure interests in regard to realism theory. Assessing the actor’s domain entails the studying of the goals and motivation of the decision maker (Mercer 1). For instance, deterioration of a political position makes the leaders feel like they are domain losers. McDermott gave a good example of President Carter during the crisis of Iranian hostage where certain setbacks in foreign policy made the decision makers opt for pre-crisis status. Political psychologists have demonstrated how cognitive ways of locating domains of gains or losses can lead to biased judgment. This is because of our inability to hold on to the customary models of decisions. The causal mechanism Causal mechanism is described as the means through which a certain outcome is brought into existence. The outcome is explained by giving a hypothesis about what caused the outcome to occur. For instance, an outcome of a reduction in consumer consumption results from increase in price. In this case, the causal mechanism relating the cause and the effect involves careful observation of prices by the consumers. Causal mechanism constitutes two types of theories where one of the theories is the human theory which maintains that causation results from regularities on observable variables which are constituted by facts. Thus, causation does not occur due to authority, nature or requisite. The other theory is the causal realist which holds that power and mechanisms are fundamental constituents of causation. According to this theory, scientific research is meant to justify hypothesis on the fundamentals of causation. A clear demonstration is that of a variable X causing Y to occur. In this case, X is a necessity or a condition for Y to occur which also means that if X had not occurred, then Y would not have occurred either. Therefore, the causal mechanism exists from the occurrence of X to the occurrence of Y. Conclusion The domestic liberalism theory seems to be more powerful than the others as it is based on the interests of individuals and groups rather than the interests of the state itself which are more concerned on international interests rather than those of the state. This is because the interest of an individual state should be the basis under which that particular state relates to international states and thus as long as the domestic liberalism theory is applied, the rest of the theories will automatically fall into place. The realist’s centric state model, in particular, has faced a lot of challenge from the domestic-interest group theory and the cognitive psychology theories. The cognitive psychological theories have specifically challenged the realism theory in its inability to promote reinforcement and interactions between small groups as it focuses on international relations rather than state relations. Inconsistency in management has also been a big challenge to realism according to the cognitive psycholog ical theories which maintains that relations and other processes should start within the state (Walt 1). Similarly, the domestic-interest group challenges the realism theory in its focus on power on international states rather than using that power within the state to serve the interests of individuals and groups. Works Cited Mercer, Jonathan. â€Å"Prospect theory and political science†. 2005 – September 6, 2011, from Walt, Stephen. â€Å"International relations: one word, many theories†. 2000 – September 6, 2011, from This term paper on The Intellectual Views on the Concepts of Global Politics was written and submitted by user Le1gha to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on JohnF Kennedey Inaugural Address
Address Friday, January 20, 1961 The speech was written and gave by one man named John F. Kennedy. The speech was written during the U.S. and Soviet problems of stockpiling nuclear weapons for war. It was written to address the Soviet alliance with the U.S. and it was given to address any possibilities of war with the Soviet. It was to restore the trust of U.S. citizens. It addressed the issues going on in the U.S. to make peace with other countries. John F. Kennedy had a well-balanced attitude that shows his true regard for the U.S. It was given to the counties who wanted to make war with U.S. and what we could do to help ourselves. The attitude of the audience was well they listen to him, and they had understood what he had to say. They felt as if he knew what he wanted to do and what was expected of the U.S. John F. Kennedy wanted to stop the problems between other countries and to just get along with one another. He was real successful at getting the point he had to make get across well to listeners and readers minds of what he truly wanted to happen. â€Å"We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning- signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe- the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans- born in this century, te... Free Essays on JohnF Kennedey' Inaugural Address Free Essays on JohnF Kennedey' Inaugural Address Address Friday, January 20, 1961 The speech was written and gave by one man named John F. Kennedy. The speech was written during the U.S. and Soviet problems of stockpiling nuclear weapons for war. It was written to address the Soviet alliance with the U.S. and it was given to address any possibilities of war with the Soviet. It was to restore the trust of U.S. citizens. It addressed the issues going on in the U.S. to make peace with other countries. John F. Kennedy had a well-balanced attitude that shows his true regard for the U.S. It was given to the counties who wanted to make war with U.S. and what we could do to help ourselves. The attitude of the audience was well they listen to him, and they had understood what he had to say. They felt as if he knew what he wanted to do and what was expected of the U.S. John F. Kennedy wanted to stop the problems between other countries and to just get along with one another. He was real successful at getting the point he had to make get across well to listeners and readers minds of what he truly wanted to happen. â€Å"We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning- signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe- the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans- born in this century, te...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How September 11, 2001 has Affected the Airline Essay
How September 11, 2001 has Affected the Airline - Essay Example This series of events was perhaps one of the most unforgettable in all of the United States' history, and certainly one of the most devastating. In order to come to a clearer and more knowledgeable viewpoint on this subject matter, the following questions must be addressed: By thoroughly discussing these questions, as well as relevant and concise related topics, we can come to a more understanding and intellectual viewpoint on this subject of interest. The aim of this paper is to discuss all of these elements, while especially making it understood how the airline economy has been affected by this event; from people being scared to fly, to airlines cutting routes, to the leading of some airlines actually going out of business. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of September 11th were connected to al-Qaeda, which is an Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden. Initially, Bin Laden had denied responsibility for the attacks, but eventually he claimed direct responsibility for orchestrating the attacks. (CBC News, 2004). ... As an end result, there were 2,986 fatalities. How has September 11th Affected the Airline Economy The terrorist attacks of September 11th resulted in short-term and long-term disruption of economic activity in many ways. This disruption was especially severe in regards to the United States' airlines. The United States' airline industry was already in a weak financial position before the attacks and were "with rising debt ratios and falling returns on investment." (Looney, 2002: 1(6)). Even to the present day airline passenger traffic has apparently remained below normal, "100,000 layoffs have been announced and employment in October and November fell by 81,000 (almost 8 percent)." (Looney, 2002: 1(6)). In the most simplistic terms, the United States' airline sector has lost around 20 percent of its overall relative value since September 11th. The attacks had a significant economic impact on the United States and world markets. Many of the major local airline carriers have permanently cancelled certain destinations, and reduced the number of flights operated. Even hotels in local es such as Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Dubai reported a significant drop in occupancy rates. Tourism in New York City plummeted after the attacks of 9/11, causing massive losses in a sector which employed 280,000 people and generated $25 billion per year. "In the week following the attack, hotel occupancy fell below 40 percent, and 3,000 employees were laid off." ("Wikipedia", 2006). The New York City projected budget deficit for the 2003 fiscal year which begins July 2002 ballooned from $2-$2.5 billion to approximately $4 billion, "though most direct expenses related to the rescue and recovery effort are to be covered by the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Walmart Strategies in Action Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walmart Strategies in Action - Research Paper Example This is accomplished through helping people to save money. Sam, Wal-Mart’s founder, wanted to improve people’s lives by lowering the high cost of living. Consequently, through the establishment of Wal-Mart, Sam succeeded in creating a suitable platform for implementing his vision. Thus, Wal-Mart facilitates savings amongst its customers by offering high quality products at extremely and relatively low prices. Consequently, in conjunction with Wal-Mart’s mission, its long term objectives include the following: Increased support of community based projects Contribution towards educational projects Participation in protection of environment and conservation of natural resources To employ a fully renewable energy supply system Creation of zero waste Wal-Mart and Technology In a world that is marred by immense technological advancements, Wal-Mart has been quick to adjust and to adapt to the trends in technology. In a bid to make its operations relevant and significant locally, Wal-Mart had to rely on the immense technological advancements in e-commerce. Consequently, Wal-Mart embraced the use of Facebook (the largest social media network in the world) in improving its local sales (Dishman, 2011). Through this program, users would be subscribed to information pertaining certain offers and new merchandise with regards to the Wal-Mart store of their choice. In addition, location of the desired store could also be done online. This would, in turn, ensure that users are kept abreast with different offers and merchandise from local stores. This process was aimed at boosting the significance of Wal-Mart’s local stores. It also created a platform for Wal-Mart’s customers to interact and associate with the company. Moreover, in the continued efforts of keeping up with the trends in technology, Wal-Mart also launched iPhone and iPad applications. iPhones and iPads have already been embraced in the gastronomy industry, and Wal-Mart seeks to c apitalize on these technological advancements to boost efficiency in customer service (Stephanie, 2012). The applications are uniquely designed to boost Wal-Mart’s efficiency with regards to weekly or monthly shopping. Through the implementation of such applications, customers can make purchases from the comfort of their smart phones and other Internet devices. Consequently, the process has to be backed by a corresponding efficient delivery system. This, in turn, relieves customers the hustle of physically going to the stores especially for routine products. Through the applications, additional information concerning different products can be availed to the customers, thus, enhancing their decision making. In keeping up with the company’s mission, the applications also assist the clients by providing updated costs of listed products. This would, in turn, result in increased awareness in consumer spending, thus, helping the customers in their budgeting endeavors. Porter 's Five Generic Strategies Porter's five generic strategies encompass the following aspects: Cost leadership strategy Differentiation strategy Focus strategy (1) Cost leadership strategy According to Porter, cost leadership strategy calls for cost effective operations. However, the quality of the products or service should not be compromised. Consequently, being in the retail industry, Wal-Mart also capitalized on cost leadership s
Monday, November 18, 2019
My personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My - Personal Statement Example I am from Indonesia. I am the only child of my parents, and the first child from the entire family to come to America and study. My first inspiration to excel in business came from my parents, who are self-made people, and started their business with nothing at hand. They had not even graduated from any high school, but they had the enthusiasm to do something in their lives, and they have passed on that enthusiasm onto me. Another great support for me has been my best friend. She has supported me in many ways and has inspired me to become a better person. She is actually an artist; and, since I am interested in photography, I have helped her in many of her projects and exhibitions, like In the Grove (Discovery Indonesia), Century Bookstore, and the Indonesian Consulate. For her team of artists, I am the admin and the event organizer of her website named Swargaloka. In my first semester of studying in Pasadena City College, I got a W in accounting and under the unit, because I was fac ing difficulties in the adjustment in the new culture. I also had so many responsibilities at that time and was expected to perform so well, that it was getting hard for me to manage. But later on, I learned how to cope, and improved in many things. For example, in this semester, I am working voluntarily with numerous organizations. However, I got a Win computer information system course, which has made me learn that I have yet to improve a lot to be able to manage both education and co-curricular activities properly and simultaneously.... I actively participated in the â€Å"Your Vote Matters, 2012†in the Asian pacific legal center, where I convinced people to vote by making hundreds of phone calls. I have also been an internee in the operation committee of the tournament of roses. I volunteered for the American Red Cross, and also for the rock and roll marathon that was held in Los Angeles in favor of the ASPCA. Not only did I volunteer outside the campus, but also in many internal activities, like volunteering for the international student registration and orientation for sixteen hours. When I was in my high school in Singapore, I received six commendation certificates for effort and achievement within two years. In my high school in Indonesia, I helped my community by working fifty hours in an orphanage, and donated around $500 by selling food and goodies. I also gave my services in a mosque and temple. I attended a workshop in Indonesia, regarding the understanding of AIDS. I also completed a mentally and physically challenging outward bound course, held in Singapore in 2009 for four days, aimed at developing strong character values, metal resilience, teamwork and leadership. At present, I am working in the consulting LLC, where I am involved in both the internal and external management of the company. I am also an active member of the AGS honor society. I am proud to have contributed to the society in social communication and community service. My Personal Statement 2 Now, I shall discuss some of my personal qualities that make me proud of who I am, and which will surely help me in my professional life as well. My best talents include good organization, discipline, carefulness,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Definition And Analysis Of Marine Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Definition And Analysis Of Marine Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay INTRODUCTION The word pollution means the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. The definition of Marine Pollution also can describe as the adding of toxins and harmful chemicals into the ocean, not only is it chemicals added to the ocean but things such as plastic are also found. One of the main problems is that when many of these particles are placed into the ocean, they are quickly eaten by the smaller fish, these fish that are lower down the food chain are then eaten by larger predators, therefore most fish are been toxicated by these harmful and dangerous chemicals. HISTORY 2. June 8th is World Ocean Day. It was first declared on June 8, 1992 at the Earth Summit, Rio de Jeneiro in Brazil. This declaration is to raise awareness about the importance of the sea to human life. Although marine pollution has a long history, significant international laws to counter it were enacted in the twentieth century. Marine pollution was a concern during several United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea beginning in the 1950s. Most scientists believed that the oceans were so vast that they had unlimited ability to dilute, and thus render harmless, pollution. 3. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, there were several controversies about dumping radioactive waste off the coasts of the United States by companies licensed by the Atomic Energy Commission, into the Irish Sea from the British reprocessing facility at Windscale, and into the Mediterranean Sea by the French Commissariat à lEnergie Atomique. After the Mediterranean Sea controversy, for example, Jacques Cousteaubecame a worldwide figure in the campaign to stop marine pollution. Marine pollution made further international headlines after the 1967 crash of the oil tanker Torrey Canyon, and after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill off the coast of California. 4. Marine pollution was a major area of discussion during the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm. That year also saw the signing of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, sometimes called the London Convention. The London Convention did not ban marine pollution, but it established black and gray lists for substances to be banned (black) or regulated by national authorities (gray). Cyanide and high-level radioactive waste, for example, were put on the black list. The London Convention applied only to waste dumped from ships, and thus did nothing to regulate waste discharged as liquids from pipelines. 5. Do we know that the sea was so amazing role as a buffer? It sustain the heat, the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and pollutants to offset the climate of the earth so protecting people from sudden changes in the Earths temperature increases due to the modernization process. 6. Adverse effects will occur globally and is fast but can not be seen with the naked eye. Unfortunately the cause of human blindness is more proud of the many activities continue to destroy the sea.Plastic waste, industrial waste and oil identified as the main self-centered man who harassed and then kill marine life and habitat. Even in small concentrations, toxic components of these contaminants can impede the ability of marine life to flourish and grow. PLASTIC DEBRIS 7. Marine debris is mainly discarded human rubbish which floats on, or is suspended in the ocean. Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic a component that has been rapidly accumulating since the end of World War II. The mass of plastic in the oceans may be as high as one hundred million metric tons. Drastic improvement from the plastic-based marine pollution in the 1940s is now the issue is so acute. Each year tens of thousands of marine creatures were killed or disabled as a result of plastic. In fact, studies have found that at least 30,000 wildlife trapped or suffocated to death. 8. In the eyes of marine wildlife including seabirds, turtles and whales, the suspension looks like plastic food animals that eventually killed due to choking, poisoning, or do not feel like eating because of feeling of fullness. In addition, nets, ropes, fishing lines and hooks and eyes, and stuck a chain-foot accidentally left many anglers also kill marine life. At least an estimated 77 tonnes of plastic waste disposed of each year based on the shipping industry. While the commercial fishing industry has been left 135 million pounds of plastic-based fishing gear and throw another 24 million pounds of plastic waste into the sea. This means that the sea has become garbage bins should be taken into account by waste from other sources, including land. 9. While the issue is, a biodegradable plastic material is very difficult and may remain in the marine environment up to 450 years. The fact that toxic difficult to unravel due to the longer life expectancy than through the food web and cause the toxic cumulative poison marine animals, particularly shellfish. 10. In Malaysia, the pollution of industrial waste that flows into the sea, especially in the industrial states of Penang, Selangor and Johor have to be considered. This is because the pollution could affect marine life and the next source of food and the traditional fishing economy. For example, local shellfish contain heavy metals of lead and other toxic high up as case studies institute of higher learning (IPT) for local and foreign. In fact, many may recall, not long ago there were countries that had prevented the importation of shellfish from this country. 11. Due to other shellfish farmers in Sungai Juru, Pulau Pinang, the main producer of cockles, it has been reported that half of the revenue losses due to dead shells, blocked or disabled as a result of sea water quality in the state which is too bad. In fact, mussel farming is actually a branch of the major aquaculture countries, with production of 40,000 tonnes in 1991. SHIP POLLUTION 12. Ships can pollute waterways and oceans in many ways. Discharge of cargo residues from bulk carriers can pollute ports, waterways and oceans. In many instances vessels intentionally discharge illegal wastes despite foreign and domestic regulation prohibiting such actions. It has been estimated that container ships lose over 10,000 containers at sea each year (usually during storms). Ships also create noise pollution that disturbs natural wildlife, and water from ballast tanks can spread harmful algae and other invasive species. 13. Ballast water taken up at sea and released in port is a major source of unwanted exotic marine life. Theinvasive freshwater zebra mussels, native to the Black, Caspian and Azov seas, were probably transported to the Great Lakes via ballast water from a transoceanic vessel. Meinesz believes that one of the worst cases of a single invasive species causing harm to an ecosystem can be attributed to a seemingly harmless jellyfish. Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species of comb jellyfish that spread so it now inhabits estuaries in many parts of the world. It was first introduced in 1982, and thought to have been transported to the Black Sea in a ships ballast water. The population of the jellyfish shot up exponentially and, by 1988, it was wreaking havoc upon the local fishing industry. The anchovy catch fell from 204,000 tons in 1984 to 200 tons in 1993; sprat from 24,600 tons in 1984 to 12,000 tons in 1993; horse mackerel from 4,000 tons in 1984 to zer o in 1993. Now that the jellyfish have exhausted the zooplankton, including fish larvae, their numbers have fallen dramatically, yet they continue to maintain a stranglehold on the ecosystem. 14. Invasive species can take over once occupied areas, facilitate the spread of new diseases, introduce new genetic material, alter underwater seascapes and jeopardize the ability of native species to obtain food. Invasive species are responsible for about $138 billion annually in lost revenue and management costs in the US alone. OIL SPILL 15. Oil spills can have devastating effects. While being toxic to marine life, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the components in crude oil, are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine environment. 16. Destructive effects of oil spills are very difficult to be identified. This is because the impact on marine life is not visible to the naked eye and do not cause immediate changes in the economy. 17. The worst oil spill in the history of the oil tanker Exxon Valdez in 1989, which broke and spilled over 35,000 tons of crude oil in the waters of Prince Wiilian Sound in Alaska. Oil has not only includes more than 2,300 square kilometers of sea and even in the past three days, 50 percent of its oil off the coast of the precipitate. This resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of marine life, including 13 percent of the population of seals, 28 percent of the population of sea otters, and up to 645,000 sea birds. 18. Moreover, the fact that large-scale oil spill into one of the richest marine ecosystems with biodiversity of the world have caused an uproar around the world and caused many controversies. Whats more, studies show after 15 years of healing the affected area is still too slow. It is not worth the huge cost of U.S. $ 3 billion that was spent to clean up the spill. 19. This shows that there is no method or technology for cleaning and conservation of large-scale oil spills after effective. This tragedy is proof that large-scale oil spill is destroyed. 20. In addition, the Persian Gulf is the most polluted sea. One of the dozens of oil rigs destroyed bombarded during the Iran-Iraq War, for example, has shed a total of 172 tonnes of crude oil every day for almost three months. The biggest oil spill catastrophe in world history happened only a few years later during the 1991 Gulf War. This time around 800,000 tonnes of crude oil spilled causing over 570 kilometers of the coast of Saudi Arabia and oil covered the sea bed. 21. Thus, after 16 years of awareness about the marine Kanwil publicized throughout the world, how we respond to this issue now? We forgotten that the role of the ocean as a supplier of basic human needs such as food, oxygen and greater water beyond the role of terrestrial ecosystems? EUTROPHICATION 22. Eutrophication is an increase in chemical nutrients, typically compounds containing nitrogen orphosphorus, in an ecosystem. It can result in an increase in the ecosystems primary productivity (excessive plant growth and decay), and further effects including lack of oxygen and severe reductions in water quality, fish, and other animal populations. 23. The biggest culprit are rivers that empty into the ocean, and with it the many chemicals used asfertilizers in agriculture as well as waste from livestock and humans. An excess of oxygen depleting chemicals in the water can lead to hypoxia and the creation of a dead zone. 24. Estuaries tend to be naturally eutrophic because land-derived nutrients are concentrated whererunoff enters the marine environment in a confined channel. The World Resources Institute has identified 375 hypoxic coastal zones around the world, concentrated in coastal areas in Western Europe, the Eastern and Southern coasts of the US, and East Asia, particularly in Japan. In the ocean, there are frequent red tide algae blooms that kill fish and marine mammals and cause respiratory problems in humans and some domestic animals when the blooms reach close to shore. 25. In addition to land runoff, atmospheric anthropogenic fixed nitrogen can enter the open ocean. A study in 2008 found that this could account for around one third of the oceans external (non-recycled) nitrogen supply and up to three per cent of the annual new marine biological production. It has been suggested that accumulating reactive nitrogen in the environment may have consequences as serious as putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION 26. Much anthropogenic pollution ends up in the ocean. Bjorn Jennssen (2003) notes in his article, Anthropogenic pollution may reduce biodiversity and productivity of marine ecosystems, resulting in reduction and depletion of human marine food resources (p. A198). There are two ways the overall level of this pollution can be mitigated: either the human population is reduced, or a way is found to reduce the ecological footprint left behind by the average human. If the second way is not adopted, then the first way may be imposed as world ecosystems falter. 27. The second way is for humans, individually, to pollute less. That requires social and political will, together with a shift in awareness so more people respect the environment and are less disposed to abuse it. At an operational level, regulations, and international government participation is needed. It is often very difficult to regulate marine pollution because pollution spreads over international barriers, thus making regulations hard to create as well as enforce. 28. Perhaps the most important strategy for reducing marine pollution is education. Most are unaware of the sources, and harmful effects of marine pollution, and therefore little is done to address the situation. In order to inform the population of all the facts, in depth research must be done to provide the full scale of the situation. Then this information must be made public. 29. As expressed in Daoji and Dags research,[83] one of the reasons why environmental concern is lacking among the Chinese is because the public awareness is low and therefore should be targeted. Likewise, regulation, based upon such in-depth research should be employed. In California, such regulations have already been put in place to protect Californian coastal waters from agricultural runoff. This includes the California Water Code, as well as several voluntary programs. Similarly, in India, several tactics have been employed that help reduce marine pollution, however, they do not significantly target the problem. In Chennai city, India, sewage has been dumped further into open waters. Due to the mass of waste being deposited, open-ocean is best for diluting, and dispersing pollutants, thus making them less harmful to marine ecosystems. PROTECT 30. In this country, establishing measures of Marine Park Malaysia as a marine protected area since 1994 through the Fisheries Act 1985 was seen as a good beginning for marine conservation efforts. So far a total of 40 islands of the richest marine biodiversity has been gazetted as marine parks and several more in the study. But the question is to what extent the effective implementation and enforcement of various regulations and laws to achieve the real objective to conserve the sea? Is the Department of Environment, Fisheries Department, Forestry Department, Department of Marine Park, the Customs Department, Malaysia Tourism, Municipal Councils, Marine Police and other work to manage and maintain the originality of a firm and sustainable ocean? 31. Can the department officers of the shoots to the ground performing the tasks entrusted to protect and find ways to get the best manner of marine exploitation in the interest of mankind in the future? 32. The role is including restricting excessive harvesting of sea, to prevent fishermen from using prohibited fishing gear or illegal, blocking the smuggling and intrusion of foreign fishermen, to prevent the visitors, especially divers who steal and destroy coral reef ecosystems or interfere with the natural life. 33. Method of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is touted for almost 10 years ago, even the marine experts have been detailed by the local institutions of higher learning should be implemented immediately. Lt Mohd Hazfanizam bin Razali TLDM N/404473 menyertai perkhidmatan TLDM pada 20 Jun 2004. Dilahirkan di Bagan Serai, Perak. Diperjawatkan di KD PELANDOK sebagai Pegawai Seksyen Penyelidikan Pembangunan Kawalan Mutu Latihan. 34. If we are really sensitive, this method should be done by applying the expertise of local universities are indeed marine of the best in Asia, in addition to strictly limit any development projects and new industries.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers
The corruption of the American Dream The Great Gatsby takes place during the 1920's and it is a time when the old values and the new are in a battle with one another. The Great Gatsby has characters who believe in the American dream and those who are corrupting the dream in prosuit of wealth and personal gain. Â Â Â Â Â The character, Nick is the perfect example of those with the faith in the existence of the dream. He is part of the group who believes in the old values and the belief that ones own hard work will at the end deliver rewards. He comes east to experience the new and exciting world of New York, yet he does not seem to belong to this part of the world. He although comes form a wealthy family chooses to make his own fortune He ' All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep-school for me and finally said 'Why—ye-es'; with very grave, hesitant faces.';(P.7) One the other hands though, Jay Gatsby is the dream killer who is involved with men like Meyer Wolfsheim. Wolfsheim was the man responsible for fixing the 1919 World Series. Gatsby has committed crimes in order to win love of Daisy. It is strange that Nick a man who despises men like Gatsby at the same time admires him. '…It is what prayed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men.'; (P.6-7) Daisy and Jordan are also characters who contribute in the corruption of the dream. Jordan is the dishonest golfer and opportunist who will do whatever it takes to be successful. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers The corruption of the American Dream The Great Gatsby takes place during the 1920's and it is a time when the old values and the new are in a battle with one another. The Great Gatsby has characters who believe in the American dream and those who are corrupting the dream in prosuit of wealth and personal gain. Â Â Â Â Â The character, Nick is the perfect example of those with the faith in the existence of the dream. He is part of the group who believes in the old values and the belief that ones own hard work will at the end deliver rewards. He comes east to experience the new and exciting world of New York, yet he does not seem to belong to this part of the world. He although comes form a wealthy family chooses to make his own fortune He ' All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep-school for me and finally said 'Why—ye-es'; with very grave, hesitant faces.';(P.7) One the other hands though, Jay Gatsby is the dream killer who is involved with men like Meyer Wolfsheim. Wolfsheim was the man responsible for fixing the 1919 World Series. Gatsby has committed crimes in order to win love of Daisy. It is strange that Nick a man who despises men like Gatsby at the same time admires him. '…It is what prayed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men.'; (P.6-7) Daisy and Jordan are also characters who contribute in the corruption of the dream. Jordan is the dishonest golfer and opportunist who will do whatever it takes to be successful.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Organizational Forms Essay
There are several types of organizational forms that a business can choose from. Each form presents pros and cons that may or may not be suitable for a particular business. This report will review characteristics such as: liability, income taxes, longevity or continuity, control, profit retention, location, convenience and burden for each business form and how they differentiate from the different types of organization forms. Sole proprietorship A sole proprietorship is the most common business form. A business is a sole proprietorship if it is not incorporated, meaning that a separate legal entity is not created for it. An advantage of forming a sole proprietorship is that it is the easiest and least expensive business form. a.Liability: A sole proprietorship does not excuse the owner from personal liability. If the business fails, the owner is responsible to the creditors and may lose personal assets. b.Income Taxes: The profits and losses of the business go through the owners’ personal tax return. This can positively or negatively affect the owner depending on what the profit and losses of the business are and what other sources of income the owner may have. c.Longevity or continuity: If the owner dies the company cannot continue on. If the owner decides to leave the company, then the company will also cease to exist. d.Control: In a sole proprietorship the owner has full control of the business. e.Profit retention: The owner receives all profits in a sole proprietorship. f.Location: When a business is a sole proprietorship the owner can move the business to any location. The only fee may be if changing states or county and the business is operating under a trade name, then the owner will have to pay the relatively small fee to operate as a DBA (â€Å"Doing Business As†). g.Convenience or burden: There are not any extra burdens when operating as a sole proprietorship. The owner does not have to meet any special reporting or regulatory requirements. There are not any special tax requirements or restrictions. The business profit and losses are filed with the owner’s regular tax return. General partnership A general partnership is between two or more owners of a business that is not incorporated. a.Liability: Each partner is held personally liable for the debts of the business regard less of fault. b.Income Taxes: Taxes are reported on each partner’s personal income tax return, so any profits made by the company are treated separately from the individuals’ income, but included. c.Longevity or continuity of the organization: A general partnership lacks continuity. If a partner leaves and his or her shares cannot be bought by the remaining partner, then the business must close. If a partner dies, their heir can be paid for the value of their share of partnership, but cannot continue with business. d.Control: In a partnership control is equal between all the partners. This can be difficult when a company has many partners or partners that don’t know each other. If a change is made without consulting with the other partners that can cause friction between the partners, so it may be best to include all partners in all decisions. e.Profit Retention: Profit is distributed equally between all partners and so is any loss. f.Location: A general partnership is fairly easy to setup and move. There are not any special forms that need to be filed with the state or county to form a general partnership. There only has to be at least two people to make up the partnership. g.Convenience or burden: Since there are not any special filings that need to be done for a general partnership, it is very convenient. Limited Partnership A limited partnership is partnership that does not hold the partners personally liable for the business debts. a.Liability: Limited partners are not held personally liable for the business debts. b.Income Taxes: All profits and losses are passed through each partners’ individual income tax return. The company does not pay taxes. c.Longevity or Continuity: Limited partners can freely enter and leave the company. The company can continue if a limited partner leaves. d.Control: In a limited partnership there are limited partners and general partners. The general partners manage the partnership. e.Profit Retention: Profits are distributed to the partners based on their contribution and pass through to the partners, who in turn report the profits on their individual tax return and pay taxes at their individual rate. f.Location: When a LLP is formed or if it moves, then it must comply with state filing requirements. A LLP must file a Certificate of Limited Partnership with the appropriate state agency. g.Convenience or burden: A LLP can be convenient because it attract capital easily, it offers limited liability to partners, easy transferability of partnership, and pass-through taxation. C-corporation A C- corporation or a â€Å"privately held corporation†is a company whose stock is not publicly traded. a.Liability: A business owner is not personally liable for the company debts and is protected from lawsuits and judgments against the business. b.Income Taxes: C-corporations are double taxed. The IRS taxes the company profits and tax any dividends paid to shareholders. c.Longevity or Continuity: Even if the owner leaves or dies, the C-corporation being a separate entity can continue to go on. d.Control: Management is shared between the shareholders. e.Profit Retention: Profits are usually kept within the company and not distributed to shareholders. f.Location: A C-corporation must follow state filing requirements in each state that it wishes to setup in. This can be very costly. g.Convenience or burden: An advantage of a C-Corporation is that it provides the best protection for the owner against the company debts. A disadvantage is that it can be costly to establish. S-corporation S-corporations are a separate entity from the owner. It offers the owner limited liability, but the tax structure benefit of a partnership. a.Liability: The owner an S-corporation is not held personally liable for any debts or judgments incurred by the company. b.Income Taxes: In an S-corporation, the profits and losses of the company are passed through to the owners and shareholders and reported on their personal income tax returns and taxed at their individual rates. The company itself is not taxed. c.Longevity or continuity: Like a C-corporation an S-corporation can continue on, if the owner leaves or dies. d.Control: A board of directors manages the company through officers. e.Profit Retention: Generally in an S-corporation the profits are passed on to the shareholders. f.Location: An S-corporation must follow state filing requirements in any state that it wishes to setup in. g.Convenience or burden: An S-corporation can be convenient, because it provides the owner and shareholders protection from company debt and they save on paying taxes on profit, but it can be costly in setting up. Limited Liability Company A Limited Liability Company is similar to an S-corporation in that it offers the limited liability of a corporation, but the tax structure benefit of a partnership. a.Liability: Owners and shareholders are protected from personal liability for the business debts and judgments. b.Income Taxes: Profits and losses are passed through to the shareholders and filed on their individual income tax returns. c.Longevity and continuity: An LLC can continue if a member leaves, but the LLC must pay the member the value of their interest. d.Control: An LLC is managed by its’ members. e.Profit Retention: Profits are passed on to the members. f.Location: A LLC must follow state filing requirements for any state it wishes to setup in. g.Convenience or burden: LLC offer a very flexible structure. It also has no limitations on the number and kind of owners. It can be very expensive to form and because it is so new, it can be more complex. Bibliography Book: Beatty, J. & Samuelson, S. (2007). Business Law and the Legal Environment: Standard Edition, 4e. Mason, OH: Rob Dewey Web site: Perez, W. (2009). Protect Your Business Profits by Incorporating. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from Corey Pierce, J. (2002-2004). Business Startup: Where to Begin & How to Grow. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from PART B interoffice memorandum to:Owner subject: Business organization date:8/10/2013 There are many different types of business forms. After reviewing them all, I have come to the conclusion that an S corporation will be the most beneficial to you company. An S-corporation is a separate legal entity and protects the owner and shareholders from personal liability and offers benefits with its tax structure. This memo will address issues that are important to you and the advantages provided to you by forming an S-corporation. You expressed concern regarding your personal liability and whether or not if the company was to be sued- you did not want to possibly lose all of your personal assets. With an S-corporation you are protected from losing your personal assets if a company is sued for negligence by an employee or subcontractor. If the company were to default on debts, your personal assets are protected from creditors. Funding will also be fairly easy to obtain with an S-corporation. With an S-corporation, you will be able to sell stock in the company to increase capital assets to help with you expanding. You will be able to sell as much or as little of your companies’ stock as you wish, once a stock value is determined. An advantage to selling you company’s stock beside the increase in capital is that you are also able to retain control of the company when issuing stock. The profit that your company earns will be distributed to the shareholders, but with an S-corporation, shareholders are only allocated the profit and losses equal to the amount of their investment. The profits and losses are passed through to each shareholder and filed on their individual income tax returns. The company itself is not taxed. Also, with an S-corporation, if you were to pass away, the company would have continuity. The company would not have to dissolve and you. The stock that you own in the company can be transferred to an heir or transferred by the sale of all or a portion of the stock. Based on these findings, I recommend you to form an S-corporation for your company.
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